Acorn Class - Reception and Pre-School
Class Teacher - Miss Plant
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dryer
Pre-School Home Learning Opportunities
Our Curriculum Unit Overviews
Autumn 1 - I wonder who I am in my local community

Autumn 2 - I wonder how others celebrate

Spring 1 - I wonder where animals live

Spring 2 - I wonder how things change

Other Useful Information
PE Day: Monday with Miss Titterton – Children should have an indoor and outdoor PE Kit in school each day, they will be sent home at half term. Each day (weather dependent).
In Acorn Class we wish to celebrate all of the achievements that we make in and outside of school. In the classroom we have a ‘wow wall’, where the children’s ‘wow’ statements and creations can be displayed. The children will have a chance to share their ‘wow’ moment with their peers and explain how they achieved it and why they are proud of what they have achieved.
Show and Tell
Friday afternoon is the time that children are invited to bring in items that are special to them or that they have created. If a child has done something that they are particularly proud of and they would like to share this, please write a message in their home/school link book. We look forward to helping share and discuss their special items and creations.