Extra-Curricular/Enrichment Clubs
At Haughton St. Giles, we aim to offer a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities across each academic year. Some of our clubs are run by school staff and others are provided by external companies, such as Progressive Sports and Fizz Pop Science.
Examples of the clubs we offer during the year include: Football, Basketball, Frisbee, Archery, Choir, Gaming, Drama, Gardening and 'Fizz, Pop Science'.
Some of our clubs run throughout the year and others run across a term or half-term. Clubs are well attended by pupils across the school and provide opportunities for children to thrive in extra-curricular areas.
Parents will be updated each half term as to which clubs are offered for the following term, alongside details on how to book a place for their child.
Wrap-Around Care
Our Wrap-Around care/Before and After School club is provided in-house by school staff. All children, including those who attend our Pre-school facility, are welcome to attend. There is a small charge for Pre-school children for the 3.00pm-3.30pm session, between the end of the Pre-school day and beginning of After School club. Bookings for all children can be made via their direct email address at For more information, please speak to wrap-around care staff or contact the school office on 01785 780511.