Faith Team
Faith Team
Our Faith Team is a democratically elected group of children from Year 1 – Year 6, who are passionate in representing/supporting their peers and positively impacting Collective Worship, Church Services, Pop-Up Prayer Spaces and the Religious Education Curriculum. As well as being Leaders in Worship and Prayer. Each year group from Year 1 to Year 6 has one Faith Team Representative.
Our Faith Team benefits the whole school as it gives opportunities for the members to communicate their feelings and opinions and enables the children to take a lead in their community.
The Faith Team meet regularly with the Faith Team Staff Lead, R.E Subject Lead and Reverend.
The intent of Faith Team has been discussed with our pupils
To always show respect and be a role model to others children throughout the school
Follow all school Christian values and guide others
Work together as a team and show responsibility to their role
To promote the school’s reputation and to maintain the school ethos
To participate in planning and leading Collective worship and Church Services which reflect the faith of the School
Planning, preparing and delivering Collective Worship
Planning and delivering Church Services
Providing links with our community and church and working with our Reverend.
Developing and maintaining reflection areas and pop-up prayer spaces
Review child-focused policies (i.e. Behaviour Policy)
Assessing Collective Worship and gathering ‘pupil voice’
Our pupils say:
“I’ve been really proud to be part of Faith Team.”
“It’s an amazing job to do and I was proud to be voted by my class.”
“It was a great experience and I would love to do it again.”
“I loved the opportunity for the whole school to make the art cross that we gave to church as a gift.”
“I was proud to be able to gift our prayer stones to church and then surprised to see them there and hear people used them.”
“I enjoyed delivering the Easter service and being able to welcome everyone back to church again.”
“I felt important when we made a difference to our playground environment by creating a rota.”
“I loved being able to help the Ukraine.”
“We made a difference in the world by arranging collections to help people, children and animals who needed it in the Ukraine when the war started.”
“Seeing the photographs of the children we had helped, holding the toys we sent, was emotional but made me really happy.”
“I’m really proud that we encouraged the parents and all of the children in the school to raise money for Unicef and I was amazed by how many people got involved and that we smashed our target and raised double.”